Masaaki Sugiura

Why you joined CADDi
My ambition in life is to make a product that competes around the world.
Manufacturing is a major industry in Japan, with a large presence around the world.
I decided to join CADDi because I saw great potential in the company, which is trying to solve the challenges facing the manufacturing industry through the power of technology.
I wanted to work with CADDi to create a product that could be used globally
What you have done/you are doing at CADDi
I'm leading the Platform/Workflow engine team.
The Mission of the Platform team is to make all engineers in CADDi work more productively.
We are building platform components and progressing platform engineering activity to achieve this.
What are the "challenging" and "interesting" aspects of working as a CADDi engineer?
We are growing radically. We have to support business expansion as a platform.
There are a lot of challenging things during this exciting phase.
What are your hobbies and how do you spend your days off?
I usually relax and enjoy the weekend with my family.
Also, I love to use the sauna to relieve stress and refresh.
I often come up with good ideas in the Sauna!