Jonathan Wills


Jonathan previously worked as a Frontend Developer for a startup in Tokyo working on a new High-End Fashion Recruiting Platform. He mainly focused on Frontend Development but he also had the chance to work on the Backend and lead the team through Sprints. He joined CADDi Inc. in September 2022 he decided to join CADDi when he went through the interview process and heard more about their projects. He felt their vision and ideas were original and innovative. They also stressed the company's desire to allow developers to grow and learn in the areas they are interested in.
His current responsibilities include: - Building out the UI for a new project at CADDi - Creating an interactive 3D tool using Three.js - Lead the morning meetings from time to time
Some of his hobbies include: - Guitar (he thinks he is not very good but he enjoys playing it to relieve stress) - Camping with friends - Drinking at traditional Japanese Izakaya with friends
東京のスタートアップにて新しいハイエンドファッションのリクルーティングプラットフォームに携わる。フロントエンドを中心に、バックエンドにも携わり、スプリントを通じてチームをリードする機会もあった。 ビジョンや考え方が独創的・革新的な点、開発者が興味のある分野で成長し学ぶことができる環境に魅力を感じ、2022年9月にCADDiに入社。 入社後は、新規プロジェクトのUI構築、Three.jsを使用したインタラクティブな3Dツールの作成などを担当。 趣味はギター、キャンプ、友人と日本の伝統的な居酒屋でお酒を飲むこと。