Masaki Inaba


東京大学・大学院にて電子情報工学を専攻。卒業後、キヤノンでロボットビジョン、デンソーで車載カメラ画像認識の研究開発に従事。研究機関との共同研究や実用化に加え、大規模な車載画像データを処理する機械学習パイプラインの設計/構築を担当。その後、エクサウィザーズでMachine Learning Vision GroupのTech Leadとして様々なPoC開発を経験。 2022年7月に、キャディ株式会社に入社。2D/3D図面を入力とし、機械学習技術で認識/解析するプロジェクトに参画。 2児の父。
Masaki majored in electronic and information engineering at the University of Tokyo and graduate school. After graduation, he engaged in research and development of robot vision at Canon Inc. and in-vehicle camera image recognition at Denso Corporation. In addition to collaborative research and practical application with research institutes, he was in charge of designing/building machine learning pipelines for processing large-scale in-vehicle image data. Later, he worked as a Tech Lead for Machine Learning Vision Group at ExaWizards, where he experienced various PoC development. He joined CADDi inc. in July 2022, and he participated in a project to recognize and analyze 2D/3D drawings as input using machine learning technology. He is a father of two children.
