Kentaro Maeda
これまではバックエンドエンジニアやSREとして、システム全体の最適化やアプリケーション基盤の構築に携わる。2022年2月に 製造業で新しい商流を作ろうとしているキャディのビジネスモデルに惹かれて入社。入社後は、Platformチームのメンバーとしてクラウドインフラの管理やシステム横断の技術課題の解消に従事、直近ではサービスメッシュの導入や組織横断の認証システムの構築を行っている。
As a backend engineer and SRE, Kentaro has been involved in overall system optimization and application infrastructure. He joined CADDi Inc. in February 2022 because he was attracted to CADDi's business model, which is trying to create a new commercial flow in the manufacturing industry. Since joining CADDi Inc., he has been a member of the Platform team, managing the cloud infrastructure and resolving technical issues across systems, most recently implementing a service mesh and building an authentication system across the organization.